Thursday 19 October 2017



No guy can call himself a boyfriend if he does nothing when he knows that something is bothering his girl. Hugging a girl when she looks sad and rubbing her shoulders when she is down should be a boyfriend's instincts. If your guy doesn't do any of that and turns a blind eye even when you are feeling blue, it can be a sign that he doesn't love you with the same intensity that he did before

1. He Starts Comparing You to Other Girls:

A guy should never say something to a girl that makes her feel less beautiful, less talented, or less of a woman than someone else. The slightest hints of comparisons made between you and any other girl should be a warning sign.

Comparing your behaviour, looks, or any other aspect of personality with another woman suggests a deep-rooted resentment driving a sense of frustration. Here are some examples of how a guy's cruel words may mean that he is falling out of love with his girl:

Why can't you dress like her?

She carries such a lot of confidence when she speaks, why can't you do the same?

Maybe you should learn a thing or two about style from her.

You are such a jealous girlfriend, why can't you be like my best friend's girl? She is always relaxed and calm.

If your guy does this once, let him know that you will not tolerate being compared to another girl. Ask him how he would feel if you compared him with another guy. And if he still continues to do so, it may be a sign that he doesn't love you the same way he used to.

2. Your Boyfriend Suddenly Starts Demanding Space in the Relationship:

Your boyfriend really shouldn't be asking for more space in your relationship if there have not been any changes in the way either of you behave. His demands to be left alone could be because he doesn't enjoy being with you the same way that he did before.

Calmly ask your guy why he wants more space. If he says something specific, deal with it and get it over with. But if he says something vague and has no clear reasons why he suddenly wants you to take a step back, his love for you may be fizzling out.

You finally got her! Now she is in your bed. You help her remove her cloth! You have removed your cloth too. See her curves. Wow… you are so hard, and she is horny too. You want to put that thing into her. But before you put it in or open your leg wide … think about these Things. Do you really love her? I know you like her buttocks… I know she has big breasts or you just enjoy rubbing those breasts… I know you like the way she talks. But do you really love the person she is? After sleeping with her, what next? Will you still love that breasts? Will you still love her smile? What if she gets pregnant? Will she face the world alone or will you stand by her? Are you ready to stand as a man and say yes! I am responsible? We both did it, it is my Baby! Or will you look for excuses? If she calls to tell you she is pregnant, will you tell her to abort it and risk her life or will you tell her to keep the baby? Very important, if she gives birth, can you take care of the baby? Can you meet…

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